
Tiger Time (4) Class Audio CDs-3片(MP3)




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底下是 Tiger Time (4) Class Audio CDs-3片(MP3) 的內容簡介


Tiger Time is a vibrant, six-level primary course based around different settings and characters which grow and change with the students, reflecting their evolving interests and needs.

Units contain humorous stories told through different genres, which use everyday language as well as catchy songs, chants and raps at the lower levels. Within each unit lessons are carefully structured focusing first on vocabulary, grammar and skills, and building to CLIL, culture and projects, allowing children to practise and consolidate their learning throughout the unit. Each unit ends with a review, encouraging active communication.

Written with classroom management in mind, activities are practical and well-staged. The accompanying Presentation Kit and Teacher's Resource Centre help teachers create dynamic lessons, which cater to diverse classroom situations. The Student's Resource Centre provides a home-school connection offering extra activities and support.

  • 出版社:東華

  • 出版日期:2016/02/22
  • 語言:英文

商品網址: Tiger Time (4) Class Audio CDs-3片(MP3)


Kids’ Classic Readers 1-9 The Two Pots with Hybrid CD-1片

Kids’ Classic Readers 6-5 The Three Dogs with Hybrid CD-1片

Richmond Readers (4) A Floral Arrangement with Audio CDs-2片

Richmond Readers (3) P.R. and Prejudice with Audio CDs-2片

Richmond Readers (4) Medical Match with Audio CDs-2片

Kids’ Classic Readers 1-6 The Fox and the Cat with Hybrid CD-1片

Kids’ Classic Readers 3-3 The Wolf and the Seven Children with Hybrid CD-1片

Richmond Readers (4) William and Kate-A Royal Romance with Audio CDs-2片

Kids’ Classic Readers 4-10 You Can’t Make Everybody Happy with Hybrid CD-1片

Kids’ Classic Readers 6-4 Stone Soup with Hybrid CD-1片

Kids’ Classic Readers 4-9 The Wolf and the Fox with Hybrid CD-1片


Career Paths-Fitness Training Student’s Book

American Tiger (5) Activity Book

Timed Reading for Fluency 3

Tiger Time (4) Class Audio CDs-3片(MP3)

Tiger Time (3) Class Audio CDs-3片(MP3)

Tiger Time (2) Class Audio CDs-4片(MP3)

Tiger Time (1) Class Audio CDs-4片(MP3)

Listening Connection (1) with DVD-1片


商品網址: Tiger Time (4) Class Audio CDs-3片(MP3)


://>「大學師生監察無良企業行動」22日在銅鑼灣蘋果門市示威,抗議蘋果公司奴役、濫用學生工。(歐新社) 蘋果新款手機iPhone 8及8 Plus昨在港開售,蘋果銅鑼灣專門店外未見排隊人潮,亦未見炒家聚集。旺角先達廣場昨日的iPhone 8回收價已跌破原價,有人蝕100多港元放售iPhone 8 Plus。有手機店主稱,回收價已較原價少200至300港元,料未來幾天還會再跌價。明報報導,蘋果官方網站上周五開始接受預訂iPhone 8及iPhone 8 Plus,昨日可取機,銅鑼灣蘋果專門店外只有數人排隊等候取機。排頭位的蔡先生從事IT業,他對自己排頭位感意外。排第二位的陳先生買了兩支白色iPhone 8 Plus,一支打算自用,另一支盼以比原價貴1000港元左右賣給親友。報導指出,以往開售新款iPhone當天,不少人購機後會到旺角先達廣場放售,惟昨午僅見零星賣家到場。陳小姐替朋友放售一部銀色iPhone 8 Plus,本預期只需蝕10多港元,但最終蝕讓逾百港元,感到失望。先達廣場數碼匯店主阿勇說,iPhone 8和iPhone 7分別不大,因此較少人炒賣,他相信iPhone X外形和功能都有所不同,而且是10周年紀念版,屆時銷情會較好。i世代電訊店主勞先生稱,早料iPhone 8回收價會比原價跌200至300港元,昨早僅10多人來放售,料未來幾天回收價會再跌。團體示威 促蘋果保障學生工另外,「大學師生監察無良企業行動」昨在銅鑼灣蘋果專門店外拉橫額示威,抗議蘋果公司奴役及濫用學生工,要求蘋果確保所有供應商遵守當地勞動法律,並主動為其供應鏈中所有學生工提供足夠保護。://>蘋果自iPhone 4開始,每次推出新機都有大批果粉捧場,但iPhone 8首賣日卻不見熱鬧場面。(歐新社) 博客來

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